About Us

At Speak Positive Dream Big, we believe in the power of faith to change the world. We carry that energy with us everywhere we go, and recognizing that there are other people who feel the same way, we have created this apparel brand to encapsulate our values and our beliefs. Living every day in God's name, doing everything that we can to stand up for what is right and achieve our full potential, we aim to inspire and motivate using our kingdom mindset to help others find their purpose and live in the will of God. 

We know it is not always easy. There are difficult times, some much more difficult than others, but if you trust in the Lord and believe in His plan for your life, then nothing can stop you. That is what we stand for.

Speak Positive Dream Big is a lifestyle. Although we produce and sell clothing, we view ourselves as an movement being a light for others to see we all have brighter futures. We embrace our faith completely, and we want you to do the same. When we set out to create a new product under the Speak Positive Dream Big brand, the first point that we consider is how this product is serving God. How can we foster stronger Christian faith among our customers and help pick them up when they are feeling down?

Through salvation, there is always a way back, and we aim to remind people of this fact at Speak Positive Dream Big. How deeply do you feel your dreams inside of yourself? Do you know that they are possible? Can you envision yourself living out all of the most ambitious plans you have made? 

From a humble start, we have formed Speak Positive Dream Big into a stable business, but we are still working and pushing ourselves, refusing to stop or slow down. Wearing one of our pieces of apparel, you will walk around all day, every day with a clear reminder to trust in God and believe in yourself.


Our Story and Our Hope for You


If you share our conviction that Christ Jesus died to save our eternal souls, then we want you to know that we have created this brand for you. We are establishing Speak Positive Dream Big as a business for people who can never get enough faith-filled inspiration. Seeking sustenance along our own journeys, we look to Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." There is, of course, no substitute for Scripture, but if we can complement it in some way, motivating you to do the work for the Kingdom, then all our efforts have been worthwhile.

In 2018, we put our ideas into motion, centering Speak Positive Dream Big around faith and confidence. Born out of an awareness of what God wanted for us, this brand should point you toward everything God wants for you as well.

Every day, we see it play out. We see people who are struggling to move forward in their lives and who seem unable to figure out what they are doing wrong. While our errors and shortcomings may vary, they all come back to a single source, the lack of faith that is so common in our world today. When you are living according to God's desires, all of the other pieces fall into place, and the struggle, the difficulty, the hardship, they all seem to fade away into the distance. The impossible disappears, and you are left only with endless possibilities in Him.

It starts with faith, the willingness to accept that we do not know everything and that we can only accomplish our goals through His will. After that, it takes a lot of initiative and foresight, the energy to devise ideas and implement them. While your dreams may not come true overnight, it is possible through God's blessings to manifest even the most far-flung ideas. Think about your most spectacular hopes, and know that because of Christ Jesus' love for you, they do not need to remain only hopes. Through His grace, the spectacular becomes reality.

We are a family company, and we are living out our dreams. At Speak Positive Dream Big, we have no doubt that you can live out your dreams too. Anything that we can do to guide you and support you from here to there, we want to do it. We want our brand to make your life better, one piece of clothing and one positive word at a time. Take it from us: if you have faith and nothing else in your life, then you have everything you need.